Friday, January 23, 2004


So I guess I should give more background as to what has been happening to me the past few weeks. Well where do I start? A lot of stuff happened but I guess there are only two major things really worth mentioning. First I moved apartments. I know this doesn’t sound like that big of a deal, most college student’s move yearly anyway. However this move was unexpected. I had this wonderful, cheap apartment in an excellent location; it was wonderful, except for one thing. The roommate. To make a long story short after a semester of living with her I realized that for my sanity I had to move. Luckily, I found a nice place across town that is close to my classes. And my new roommate, Andrea, is pretty cool too.

The second big event is that Brian and I separated after over 2 years of being together. It’s odd to be no longer talking to the person that you had talked to every night and who was your lover and best friend; the person that you had lived with for a few months and thought about living with for the rest of your life. It’s painful letting go. It’s also not easy. Technically Brian and I are on a “break.” I guess neither of us wants to give up on the other that easily. We are spending some time apart and then we are going to see where we are and try to figure out what we want. As of right now I don’t know what I want. Or who I want it with. Hell, I don’t even know where I am going to be in seven month after I graduate and my apartment lease expires. But, I do know one thing, there is nothing for me here in Centre County.

So what do all these changes mean? I have no idea. Hopefully I will find some direction and figure out my life. Going into my senior year here I expected some panic at the idea of the “real world,” the same as the panic the other thousands of other graduating seniors I am sure are experiencing. However, what I didn’t expect was to do it without Brian. I guess over these next few months I will find out a lot about me…


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