Tuesday, January 27, 2004

There Must Be Something In the Air

So I found out the other day that my freshman year roommate is engaged. (Congratulations Krista!) It didn’t really affect me too much, it has been happening all around me. Everyone is in the marriage mood. Hell, my ex-roommate “The Bitch” got engaged on my birthday.

Well, then it happened, I found out one of my best friends from growing up is engaged. I was blown away. Now don’t get me wrong I’m very, very happy for him, I still care about the guy and want the best for him. However, this one knocked me on my ass.

He’s the first of my close friends to get married. I guess I’m reaching that age. Graduating from college, moving on and starting a new life; so why not start that new life with another person? Seems logical to me. Yet it made me reflect on my own life and the state of it. It’s odd because a year ago I would have said I thought I would be engaged shortly after I graduated. Or if not engaged at least planning on living with Brian and starting a future together. Isn’t it amazing what can happen in a year?

Anyway, on a positive note, I was invited to the wedding! It’s in July and it will give me an excuse to buy a new dress and look pretty. So, love ya and congratulations J. but remember I’ll have a fast car, with a full tank of gas, and one way plane tickets to Mexico, waiting outside the church just in case … :-)


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