Friday, June 03, 2005

And Then There was One...

Today was a co-worker’s last day on the job. He has been working on this campaign in NEPA since November and he misses his home state of Texas. So home he goes. And I'll actually miss the guy, despite his screaming at me ;-) . When you work with the same person everyday, live down the hall from them, as well as being one of the only people that you actually know in an area, you get comfortable with them. Somewhere along the way, the group up here turned into a sort of fucked up dysfunctional family and now we are losing a member. It makes me a little sad… Actually, I think I will miss his dog, Floyd, more than him. Seriously, it’s a great dog and we bonded.

With him leaving, I will be the only one left on the campaign I am currently working on. In January, there were 5 of us. Now it’s only me to hold down the fort. There is one other women working up here, but she is on a different campaign. So yep, just me… A little scary, huh?

Also leaving today is the guy I am supposedly having an affair with (see the 2/19/05 entry). He was one of my first friends when I started here, bonding over feminism and porn, and is really an amazing guy. We would always sit next to each other at staff meetings, where I would whisper obscene things into his ear to get him to laugh at inappropriate times. Come to think of it, no wonder they thought we were having an affair…

I’ll really miss him.

I knew staff turnover here was insane. The section of the staff I work in turns over about every year. That sounds about right. Some of my favorite people have already left and more are leaving soon. By the end of July, I will be about 4th or 5th in line of seniority of about 30 people. And I haven’t even hit my year yet. Crazy…


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