Sunday, July 17, 2005

A Thank You to My Friends

It’s been a long few weeks since I have written. It still sometimes doesn’t seem like it is real, like my dad isn’t really gone. But it is slowly sinking in, day after day it gets a little better. I have a wonderful group of friends; I have gotten cards, notes, phone calls, e-mails, ext. from friends old and new. Some that I even haven’t heard from since high school. So, I thank them all very very much and I love you all.

So now the healing beings; along with the dealings with lawyers and cleaning of the house. Things that I haven’t thought I would be doing for a long time, suddenly I have to take charge of.

But for now I’m going to try to finally get back to normality. Work has been keeping me very busy and that does actually help. And I’m going to try to start writing again every day (or close to it).

So again, thank you all. It really does mean a lot.


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