Thursday, September 01, 2005

"Abandoned People in an Abandoned City"

I don't even have the words to describe what I feel for the people of the south. My heart goes out to them.

I sit transfixed to the TV amazed at what I see. Children and the elderly dieing right there on CNN.

And people aren't talking about the elephant in the room: the race and economic status of those that were trapped. I am sure that they wanted to leave... they couldn't. They didn't have the means. Now they are left, like animals to fend for themselves. These people went where they were supposed to go and when they got there, nothing. No food, no water.

I am disgusted with our government. Not just disgusted, I'm outraged.

Our president is useless. I am ashamed of him. More than I have ever been. He seems so nonchalant about it all. Not even leaving his vacation right away.

And as I have heard over and over again, they can drop food into Baghdad, why can't they drop food into the New Orleans Superdome or the Convention Center? Thats a good question.

"Abandoned people in an Abandoned City"

I sit in front of the Television and cry.

So I have given to the Red Cross. As much as I could. Its not nearly enough. But it is all I can. I will give more next week.

You should give as much as you can as well... even if it is only $5 or $10. These people have lost EVERYTHING. You can spare some.

And although it may sound trite, I also feel for the poor animals there. To some people, there pets are their families. The ASPCA is also accepting donations. They need your help as well...


At Thursday, September 01, 2005 9:08:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At Thursday, September 01, 2005 9:15:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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