Friday, December 02, 2005

I’m a Dating Slut OR Guys in Their 20’s are Pussies

Seriously, what the fuck?!?! So, here is the deal. I have been out on a lot of dates lately and when I say a lot, I mean, a lot, like around 15-20 dates in the last two months… hence, I am a dating slut. It’s true when they say, “You gotta kiss a lot of frogs…”

Anyway, all have been ok, some there has been no chemistry, which is fine. That happens. Some like me and I don't like them, fine. Some I like and they aren't into me. Also fine. And there are ones that just want to get into my pants; like the guy with my favorite line ever, “If you asked me back to your place, I wouldn’t say no.” But then there are the ones that are good. Good chemistry, willing to go out again, they act interested, they SAY they are interested, and really want to get to know me better and see me again.

Then never call.

What The Fuck is With That???? Seriously. I have had this happen THREE TIMES recently. THREE! Why would a guy say they are interested and say that they will call... even going as far as to set up another time to meet; then not call. I give it a few days, then call them once, and see what happens. Usually nothing. Ugh. And what is with this trend?? Once would be bad enough, but three?! I know I have been on a lot of dates lately, but come on! Is there something wrong with me? Or them?

I have taken a survey of my friends. One guy told me that they are scared. Scared of what?? If they don’t want to go out again, fine! Just say so! Another guy told me that they are second guessing themselves. Think about how it went later and finding fault in me or themselves because they don’t really want to be in a relationship. But I think one of my female friends, who has had some similar experiences (thank god, I am not the only one!), has it right when she says that guys in their twenties are pussies. Seriously. Grow the fuck up. Grow some balls and tell me when you are not interested. So anyway, any insight would be great; both male and female, but especially male. Cause again, seriously guys, what the fuck?!?!


At Saturday, December 03, 2005 1:36:00 PM, Blogger Rolligun said...

I don't ever believe it's the individual, it's always the match.
The sum total doesn't match the equation. How's that for mathmatical wisdom.

Moving along...don't ever call the dude. If he says he will call, then let it happen. Be indifferent. It keeps him guessing and the table clean.

At Sunday, December 04, 2005 9:59:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with rolligun. You gotta make them call you. If you don't call, they think well she's not clingy and maybe she is losing interest so i should call b4 some other hot guy snatches her up! Also I agree with Danielle..boys are stupid. Soo many ass-wanting boys...I've def learned you gotta kiss a lot and I mean A LOT of frogs..I keep kissin' frogs..but not damn prince..what the hell?! Ne who, give me a list of these guys names and I'll be down to open a can of whoop ass on them. Peaceout girlie! *Keep your chin up* Know that everything is happening just as it is meant to be.:)

At Monday, December 05, 2005 5:32:00 PM, Blogger sam said...

I refuse to believe all guys in their twenties are pussies...if for no other reason than that I, being twenty-three, do not feel pussy-ish. However, I blame the game. Dating in and of itself is a horrible process. Good luck.


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