Tuesday, May 10, 2005


Ok, let’s just get to it. My life is boring. I work 10-12 hours a day 7 days a week with the same four people. I have been doing this since January. This is the main reason that I haven’t written much lately. I don’t really have anything much to write about. SO, I am revamping this site.

My new idea is to try to write daily, but only a thought. It may be something funny someone said, a random thought, song lyrics, a poem, a picture, a new paper article, etc. If something really awesome happens then I may write something longer.

I guess this is just an exercise to get me to write everyday as well as giving you something amusing to read. So, to quote my boss… “Here we go”


At Sunday, November 06, 2005 4:53:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Red brgdrgz

it's awesome watching you grow through lifes changes...

I still don't know how you will if you will even be notified that someone made a comment...

I have noticed not many people have commented on your journalling...

I must admit, I have never "blog" not even sure if I approve of reading one...especially since MAD magazine (which is where I get most of my stupid thoughts..ok, honestly I think them up on my own)
Mad has busted on them...
But as far as I know it's just journalling...

Personally, I keep my journalling private but that's just because I don't like to leave myself open to allow people to hurt me...

You don't have a clue who I am other than some guy that has read your blog...I love this weather we have been having...

ok back to your "blog"


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