Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Fuck what a day. First a friend is haveing some personal issues (Again, if there is anything I can do, please ask) then some work issues came up.

God I'm ready for a change.

I can't handle this shit. I've had so much in my life lately I just feel like I am in a bad place and am ready to move on and start over.

A new city, a new job, a new life.

I know I have been saying this for months, but I really need to get my ass in gear and get to it.


So now I am drinking (heavily), doing laundry, and working on my resume.

At least I am going out of town tomorrow for a few days for a huge work event in Harrisburg. It will be nice to see some of my other co-workers from the other side of the state.

They're a bunch of communist hippy drunks. And I like that about them.


At Tuesday, September 13, 2005 11:11:00 PM, Blogger Todd Duren said...

Hey, thanks for the comment on Bluenecks. I emailed your guys at the national website to forward a message to the hispanic woman who helped organize Koch Foods after she quit. She's a ballsy chick. She spoke to our church through an interpreter. They "cut" 42 chickens a minute with no bathroom breaks.

Anyway, not that you asked, but you should avoid onoffonoff guy, keep wearing that shade of lipstick, and get a weekly girls night out with some cool chicks that talk about men and don't get too drunk. Life is what happens while you're waiting for things to be perfect. Enjoy the ride!

I'll go back to minding my own business now.

Hey, how do you keep spammers off this site? They're eating me alive.


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