Thursday, September 22, 2005

An Odd, Odd Day

I saw one of the oddest things I have ever seen today.

I was sitting in a parking lot in Kingston, PA making phone calls for work. I glace up to see a teenage girl walk up to a car, open the trunk, get in and close herself in. Odd but it gets weirder…

So then a woman approaches the car and opens the trunk with the girl in it. They have about a 3 minutes conversation before the girl reaches up and pulls the hood back down. The woman who was talking shook her head and then got into the drivers seat of the car.

A few minutes pass and a young man approaches the car and gets into the passenger seat.

The car then turns on and they pull away and out of the parking lot. With the girl still in it.

As I said before…. Odd.

On another note. Some guy asked me out at the Burger King (one of the customers not an BK employee, that would just be unprofessional).


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