Thursday, December 15, 2005

Damn It! I Gotta Remember to Not Swear Around the Kids!!

On Tues night my mom called while I was on my way out of the gym (yes, thats right, I joined a gym! but that will have to wait for another blog) and she told me that she wasn't going to be able to chaperone my sisters class trip to NYC the next day. So, since the trip was already paid for and they still needed another chaperone and I am a legal adult... I was in!

So I was up at 3:30am, on the bus by 5am, and off we went! It was odd being a chaperone for a high school trip. It seems like only yesterday that I was going on these trips for school. Now I was responsible for making sure the group of highschoolers assigned to me didn't get lost or mugged in NYC. It was kind of surreal. I was an ADULT. Scary.

Anyway, we went walked around a bit, went to St. Patrick's Catherdreal, then went to The Radio City Music Hall's Rockettes Christmas Spectacular! Oh the excitement.

Look dancing Santa's!!
Finally, we hopped back onto the bus and went to Ground Zero. Here is a picture of the girls in my group at the site. I told them to look solemn. This was a sad place!

Obviously, they didn't listen.

Anyway, all in all we had a good time. The kids really liked me. I was the cool chaperone. No surprises there... ;-)
EDIT: My sister just told me that the hot school librarian I met on the trip yesterday was asking her about me at school today...


At Thursday, December 15, 2005 10:20:00 PM, Blogger Newsandseduction said...

interesting profile.

At Friday, December 16, 2005 4:09:00 AM, Blogger Rolligun said...

I like being the "cool" one...

"yeah, go ahead and run around the store knocking shit over. Sounds fine by me!"


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