Monday, December 05, 2005

Life of the Unemployed

So I am now about two and a half weeks into my unemployment. And I am already a little bored. I have basically sat around and done nothing for the past few weeks. Not even really start looking for a new job. First of all, I needed the rest. I was at my wits end by the end of my job. I was ready to move on and it was time.

However, I was going at about 100 miles per hour (the job required it) and dropped to about 5 miles per hour. It was a bit of a shell shock to say the least. I still can’t quite believe I did it. Just quit my job without a real plan. At least I have some money saved up.

Anyway, I went back to Wilkes Barre this weekend to get the rest of my stuff that was hanging out in crates in one of my former co-workers hotel room. It was really nice to see her. One thing that I will really miss about my job was the people that I worked with. I worked with some of the most amazing, dedicated, and friendly group of people. I will miss them all and I made some great friends. Two especially. The first is a woman who came onto staff after I did and someone who I think I may have been separated at birth from; an incredible feminist, a hard, dedicated and smart worker, and a good friend. The other woman is a few years older then me. She was my first teacher at my job and then became so much more. We ended up living in the same hotel down the hall from each other for 11 months and a great friendship developed. She turned into a surrogate mom or the older sister I never had. She helped me develop my work skills, gave me advice about the job, men, and life in general and was there for me after my dad died. We would go to lunch or stay up late and compare love lives or lack of them. She was more then my lead, she is my friend.

That is probably what I will miss the most about my job. The comradely I had with the amazing people I worked with.


At Tuesday, December 06, 2005 11:50:00 AM, Blogger Rolligun said...

Yes, yes, can't argue with joy of having people to cheer with...that will happen for you again.

Although I am still waiting for something unconventional that you will do with your time off.

At Monday, December 12, 2005 12:12:00 AM, Blogger Don M.F.H. said...

I'm pushing the "next blog" on during a dull patch at work and came across yours. It's pretty good. I've found most blogs are total shit, soi it's good to see someone writing something that's at least halfway interesting ...


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