Monday, July 19, 2004

Ode to my Vibrator

Wow, it has been a while since I have written.  I’m a busy, busy girl.  Unfortunately, it has been nothing all that exciting.  Just more of the same: class, work, homework and boys.  Boys are trouble so I wrote a poem about my vibrator.  Enjoy. :-)   
Ode to my Vibrator
Oh my vibrator, how do I love thee?
I used you so much I killed the battery!
Thus leaving me in quite a quandary!
So this wouldn’t happen again,
I went out and bought three!

(Ok, so it is not that good.  At all.  I never clamed to be a poet.  Haha… but I amuse myself and hey, that is what is important)


At Sunday, November 06, 2005 3:20:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ok so It's June..not even sure how it is brought to your attention that someone has posted a comment..

Word Verification : yAXGI...actually looks better in Green cursive writing yaxgi...

Ok two thumbs up for a young lady who writes a poem dedicated to her vibrators...

one clear thumb drink alot...maybe a warning...only you know the answer...personally I have never had a legal drink in my life...

um...yaxgi in green cursive is nice...ok, back to the "blog"...



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