Sunday, January 30, 2005

Miss me?

I'm back!!!

So, I bought a beautiful new Dell laptop computer so now I will be able to update on a regular bases. I know you are excited on the inside.

I find out tomorrow morning at 9 am if I have a job now that my apprenticeship is up. I was supposed to know today but my boss got stuck in an ice storm in Atlanta so he didn't get back till late tonight. Ugh, I just want to get this over with. My future for at least the next year is in the balance. I am either employed and heading back to Northeastern PA with the ability to pay my bill or not employed and unable to pay my bills. If I don't get it the plan is to pack up and move to Chicago. You only think I am kidding.
Wish me luck!!


At Sunday, November 06, 2005 3:50:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah...yeah...I think you would make an excellent leader...One you are a PSU graduate...which means you didn't give up...

two..well if that's what you want to be...then it will be...

C) some of us are leaders and some of us aren't...only I can put the walls up to block me off from reaching my dreams...Ok dinner time is close at hand...I have had a headache for the last couple of's 0344...word verification is vydbgr...
I am not sure what it means , but it has some kind of burger in it...

wow...I get so giddy at 3am...I thought it was only after sex...

To understand my sense of humor means you are also one step ahead of the people trying to lock you up... ah ah aha......

oh yeah..

Note: Disclaimer...the same one that Mark Twain used...If you know it...then SWEET...if not...You need to go to the library or ask someone,

PSS...Office Space kicked ass... and if you ever have anyone ask you if you have a case of the MONDAY's...well you know what to do...and last but not least...

My favorite lyric from a Charlie Daniels Band song. is...

"Let me tell you guys' that dumb look is just a diguise, why, he probably has a commie flag tacked up on the wall inside of his garage..."
"I don't even have a garage you can call home and ask my wife"

If that ain't country, I'll buy you new batteries...


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