Tuesday, April 27, 2004

Gettin' Crazy... In That Good Fun Way

Wow, what a weekend! I had an amazing time this weekend. Friday night we went to the Phryst then to the Brewery, where craziness ensued. I got pleasantly intoxicated, my friend attached a tampon to his glasses (don’t ask), I found Elisha’s missing wallet, then ate a really kick ass cheesesteak from Ernie’s. SO GOOD! All in all a very rocken’ night.

Then Saturday night was SOUL NITE! Always a blast. I came, I saw, I danced! I have to get really drunk to dance and I was REALLY drunk! (Although, not as drunk as last Thursday where I don’t remember most of the night, but drunk enough where I don’t remember a good portion of the night. J) But yeah I had a blast. Follow this link to see Pictures of me and others living it up.

Sunday rolled around and I slept most of the day. Mmmmm… hangover. I then went to see Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind with my friend, Danielle (my movie buddy!), from work. After I got home I settled down to work on my two papers. I was talking to B. and I jokingly suggested that he visit since he had Monday off. And guess what? He did! It was great. We had such a good time; he bought me Craisins, which are some of my favorite things in the world, caramel Hershey kisses, which are also quite yummy, and cooked my roomie and I dinner. It was fantastic. Ugh… this is soooo complicated. But, I’m figuring it out.

So yeah, overall it was a very excellent weekend. I love my friends. Big thanks to J-Leh (you need to visit more!!), Elisha, Sarah K., and Brian for an amazing time!


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