Sunday, April 11, 2004

I’m a Card Shark… well at least at 4am…

What a night! It started out innocent enough, I went over to Elisha’s house for dinner (which was excellent btw) and the drinking began. Not too much on my part (Elisha is another story) and then we proceeded to go a play that turned out to be well worth the effort to go. Then after going back to her house and attempting to make some Rice Crispy Squares, attempting is the key word here, there was more drinking and the decision was made to go to the Phyrst. I had never been there and with it being a holiday the place was dead, which is great because I hate crowded bars. Elisha and I drank two pitchers of Guinness and I got coned into playing pool with some crazy guy. Well the drunkenness continued and I stole a guy’s hat, which I looked much hotter in then he did. We moved the party back to Elisha’s after the bar closed and preceded to drink more.

Then an interesting thing occurred. The guy whipped out a pack of cards and we proceeded to play poker which slowly turned strip poker. I was drunk enough to go with it and was prepared to get naked and a funny thing occurred… I was good! I didn’t lose one article of clothing, Elisha didn’t lose much either, but the guy, well… ;-) He lost everything! So there he was sitting fully naked at Elisha’s kitchen table, annoyed that he lost while I gloated that I was fully dressed. Later the guy walked me home at 5:30 am. It was a long night.

So, the moral of the story is don’t play strip poker with me at 4 am… you just might lose your pants!


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