Friday, January 13, 2006


So I really haven’t had a chance to update my blog lately due to being sick and highly medicated. Walking to the desk to my computer was waaaay to difficult. Anyway, here is what you were all waiting for, Chicago trip highlights! (please contain your excitement, don’t worry, I’ll keep it brief)

Day 1: Drive to Pittsburgh. Meet up with Jess and her man. Spend the evening in her bar, drinking.

Day 2: Fly to Chicago. Have wonderful dinner with Nick at Moroccan restaurant. Spend evening in Irish Pub, drinking.

Day 3: Visit Field Museum. Have Sue the Tyrannosaurs Rex almost eat me. (hehe)

Walk back from Field Museum in the pouring rain and 36 degree weather (probably how I got sick). Meet up with rest of group, go to a piano sing-a-long bar. Spend the evening drinking.

Day 4: New Years Eve Day!! Go for Breakfast at yummy hipster restaurant. Spend afternoon shopping with the ladies. Head to bar to ring in the New Year! Looking hot of course. Spend the evening drinking (surprise, surprise), making marry, and chatting with sweet Missouri boy…
Day 5: Slept in. Go see “Munich.” I liked it, but it was a bit long. Had dinner with Nick’s parents. DID NOT spend the evening drinking. Aren’t you proud? You were beginning to thing I am a drunk, weren’t you?

Day 6: Spent day shopping with Karen. Spent evening in Gay bar, drinking of course, and watching pretty gay boys sing show tunes. Reminded me of the old days…

Day 7: Slept most of the day. Had delivery Chinese food. Went to bar, drank and watched the FIVE HOUR Penn State – Florida State Orange Bowl Game. THREE FUCKING OVER TIMES! Thank god Penn State won. I almost had a heart attack and an asthma attack.

Day 8: Bid Chicago adios. Fly back to PA. Spend evening in Jess’s bar, drinking and watching Rose Bowl. Down with USC!!

Day 9: Spent day with Jess in Pittsburgh. She got a new tattoo. I got my nose pierced (backed out on the nipple, friends who had them done lost feeling and I like my nipple feeling; thank you very much). Spent evening in bar drinking.

Day 10: Drove home.

Summery/ Things I learned:
1) I am ready to move to Chicago, seriously, job hunting is being focused there.
2) I drink too much
3) Penn State Football almost killed me
4) Getting your nose pierced fucking hurts! Getting a tattoo was far less painful.
5) Missouri boys are nice….....


At Saturday, January 14, 2006 3:38:00 AM, Blogger Rolligun said...

I like the field museum.

Glad your back.

Chicago is great town, it's on my list.

Have you checked out I think it's a good site.

Good luck

At Friday, January 20, 2006 8:44:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Missouri GIRLS are nice too - HELLOO!? E-mail me and let me know where in Missouri he is from and I'll give you the scoop on his town. Could be really scary - you know now a blue state. I'll ask around about jobs in Chicago. Check out Craig's list too. Miss ya. Although I am keeping busy w the DC lawyer guy you took pics of me for. can ya beleive that?


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