Thursday, February 26, 2004

Living in Singleland

So I have hit an interesting point with this blog… already. I’m stuck about what to write about. Ok, well not totally true, I have a lot to write about however sometimes I feel like I need to sensor myself. I know, I know, hard to believe coming from me. But I feel like I can’t write about certain things because of the way it may affect certain people. Hmmm... just a thought that I'm going to have to figure out a solution to.

Anyway that being said I am finally enjoying single life. After a rocky start in singleland the idea of having relations with boys is starting to look up. Ok ladies, have you ever noticed that boys come into your life in flocks? Nothing for a while then suddenly you have a choice of 2, 3 or 4 different guys. Like when I met Brian there were two other guys that I could have started a relationship with, however the one with him progressed the fastest, so I went with it. The same thing is happening now.

Ok, so I’m not looking for a deep meaningful relationship right now and neither are they (as far as I can tell) but the idea of just having a good time is very appealing. One of the guys is progressing a bit faster then the others so I think I will go with that one for now. If it lasts a few weeks or a few months or even if he never calls me again I’ll be alright. It really is amazing how many guys are here. It’s been a long time since I really noticed. This will be the last time in my life when I am around all guys my own age, I might as well enjoy it while I can. Right now I’m just looking to have fun and experience life. We'll see how it goes.


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